Friday, October 23, 2009

Love to Hear What He Has to Say

Booker is always saying something that makes me laugh. Here are three that I can think of from tonight.

"If you break your knee you need an x-ray."

"Mom, when I get older and bigger like you, I'm going to run with you." I loved hearing that!

And some background for this one... we live across from the highschool and Friday nights are the football games. When we get a touchdown, they let off fireworks. Booker was in bed when we the fireworks went off and both Dusty and I both heard a voice from his bedroom yell, "Touchdown!"

I love this age. You just never know what he's going to say next!


Cori said...

I love that. "Touchdown!" Every time I hear that noise, I usually cringe because one of the kids gets scared and cries. Now at least I'll smile when I imagine Booker.
Hope he's feeling better!

Megan said...

Oh that's soooo funny. Touchdown! Thanks for the laugh, Booker. :)

Kristen said...

That's awesome about him saying "Touchdown"! So cute!