Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An Artist in the Making!

Last week when I picked Booker up in the carpool lane, his art teacher stuck her head in the car and was very excited to tell me that a piece of Booker's artwork was going to be displayed in the Central Office. I was so stressed out that she was making me hold up the carpool lane, that I didn't realize what she said. You people have no idea how mad some of those mama bears get when you actually stop to let your child in the car, and they don't just hop in your car as you drive by. But she was really excited, said she hadn't even told Booker yet, and she would be sending a note home later. Ok. Central Office? Like the front desk at the school? Cool! But Cori told me that the Central Office was the Administration building across the street from our house. Even cooler! And, when we got the note from the art teacher, we learned that only one other kindergartener and three 2nd graders' artwork was going to be displayed. So today after school we drove over to take a look at Booker's "Two-Dimensional Room" picture.
He has pictures on the wall, a rug on the floor, a ceiling fan.... quite a bit of detail! Of course I think it's pretty great!

Booker has always had an "eye" for drawing. Since he was 3 yrs old, he's been very careful to color in the lines. He has the best imagination. I just love this side of Booker. It is definitely something he got from Dusty. This girl can write her name, and that's about it. Dusty and Booker can picture something in their mind and put it on paper. Dusty's home projects always start with him drawing all these angles, writing out dimensions, etc. It just amazes me. Booker told me yesterday that he wants to write a book. He wants to be the author and the illustrator... "That means I will write the book and draw the pictures, Mom." YES YOU WILL! Go get 'em, buddy!


gramma said...

I notice the Elf on the Shelf!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice job booker! Jen

Ian said...

I still remember Booker as the best "colorer" I ever knew! Great job, buddy!

Ian said...

That is not Ian. Why is he always signed in? ---CORI

Lindsey @ The Hill House said...

That's so awesome! Our oldest got to have work featured in our community's art studio and he was so proud. I know your Booker was more than thrilled too! Great drawing!