Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life Through the Drive-Thru

As sad as it may sound, the drive-thru has become my best friend. I wish everyone understood the logic. Like I'm going to strap two kids in the car just to drive them somewhere I have to get them back out... by myself! Nope, instead we get in the car and stay in the car. That pretty much covers our meals, but seriously, so much more could be done in the comfort of my little Honda. Why can't I drive thru somewhere to rent a movie, or buy a gallon of milk. Or how about diapers? People buying diapers obviously have kids, and surely they, too, would rather just drive up and order their Huggies. May I take your order please? Yes, I need a pack of size 4 Huggies, some toothpaste, and a gallon of milk. As simple as that. Maybe I should quit my day job and be the next owner of "21st Century Shopping From the Comfort of Your Car." Sounds clicky, you think it would be a hit?


Cori said...

I totally agree with you! I have made it a point to frequent drive-thru businesses. For instance, Mazzio's has a drive-thru, and I switched my pharmacy to Price Chopper since they have one (who wants to take a sick kid inside?). I've also learned that if you park illegally in front of the Red Box at P.C., you can be 6 feet away from your kids and rent a movie. (I do take the keys with me, Aidan would love to drive.) I will start a drive-thru business with you.

Anonymous said...

You and Cori should go into a drive- up business. It would be great.