Monday, February 23, 2009

History in The Making

Booker & Bodey, I don't know why this is so hard for me to write. I guess because I'm still in denial, and I'm scared. Right now our country is experiencing something I'm sure you will be reading about in your History books. The definition of a recession is "a general business slump, less severe than a depression." Even the definition is depressing. The economy started to decline at the end of last year. Somehow everyone knows a recession is coming, which is really weird to me. I don't know how many economics classes I took in college, but I still don't get it. All I know is that it is scary and supposedly going to get worse before it gets better. Normally you just think that all those people are losing their jobs, but it will never be us, or anyone we know. Well, it has affected almost every single person I know. Your dad and I have seen and experienced paycuts and layoffs in our companies, your grandparents have seen them in their companies, our friends and neighbors have all been affected. The scariest thing about it is the the feeling of absolute helplessness. I have a huge heart for those families that have lost their jobs, and just pray that it's not us or anyone close to us next. I guess one thing that bothers me is that I'm not just living for myself anymore. I have you guys and I love you more than anything in the world. I want to protect you forever and this is a time in my life where I feel like I'm not really in control of that. I know that companies are making these decisions so that they can stay afloat; they really don't have a lot of other choices either. I hope people are wrong and it doesn't get any worse. I hope that people that have lost their jobs are going to be ok. I hope this doesn't turn into another Great Depression. Actually, I hope you don't read about this when you are in school.


Cori said...

Well put, Traci. I share your fears.

Kim said...

I think about this all the time also. I never thought it would hit as close to home as it did on Monday.

JENNIFER said...

Hey Traci I really do know what you mean but I don't know what you are going through having three others to look after and fear for too! Our church really has been emphasizing self-reliance and self-preparedness. I have gotten a lot of things "in order" and it has set my mind more at ease about the economy etc. There is SO much more that people need to do INCLUDING ME in order to be able to sustain themselves. I'll have to post some of it on my blog. I've only started but knowing that I am doing everything I can to prepare for something maybe happening. It makes me feel more confident that if there is no where else to turn I'll be able to provide for myself. Thanks for commenting on my blog by the way, I think you are the only one that reads it :)