Bodey tends to be/act a little redneck-ish. It cracks me up. He loves to wear sleeveless shirts and wear cowboy boots with shorts. The other night he said, "Dad, after we get all jammied up, can we watch some cartoons?" Jammied up. :)
Rachel gave us a good idea to help your children not lie... or know they are caught. Whenever she could tell Reese was lying, she would say that she could see a light on her forehead. Well, we decided to try that too, but got it confused and we use light on the nose. We have told Booker that only mommies and daddies can see the light, and it comes on when he is lying. It works like a charm. Fastforward to tonight while we are doing Booker's homework. One of the questions was What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? I said, "Booker, what do you want to be, what do you want to do when you grow up?" He said, "I want to stay at home all day with mommy and daddy." I said, "Well what do you want to do when you are a daddy?" And his answer? "I want to be able to see the light on Bodey's nose."
Yesterday at dinner Papa Morgen asked Booker to spell Monster. He shouts out, "B-O-O-K-E-R!"
11 years ago