Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Teachers Know Best

Today when I picked Bodey up from school to go to his collar bone follow-up appointment, his teacher, Ms. Saundra, told me that she thought the little sore under his nose looked like impetigo. I told her I'd have the dr. look at it while we were there, but secretly thought, "he must have somehow scratched himself." Dr. says... yep. It's impetigo. Nothing serious though, just a little antibiotic cream two times a day and in a few days it should be gone. I guess in her MANY years of teaching she's been around the block!

And, Bodey's collar bone? Well, we got our follow-up x-rays done. I just had this feeling that it was going to be all back together and in place again because of how crazy active he's been, pain-free. Well, reason #2 I take my kids to the dr. for diagnosis (most of the time)... I thought the x-rays looked worse than the 1st ones! It appeared to me that the bones were even further apart and uneven. However, this time there was a little white blurry ball in the x-ray surrounding the break. It is a hard, boney, callusy substance that helps it heal. Dr. Yu felt it and it felt hard as a rock. Last time he felt it he said he could feel the bones move. YUCK! Anyways, he knew what a hard time we were having keeping Bodey in any type of restraint and figured at this point he was almost safer to not be restrained. So, he told me to turn him loose... with caution of course. He just wants to make sure Bodey won't be doing anything that will re-break it. Right... that's a piece of cake with the little boy who 4 days after the break did a superman flying leap onto the floor on his stomach and popped up and said, "I'm tough!" No problem at all.


Joleene said...

Glad the bodster is better. Do you see Dave Yu? I love him, he used to be at CMH and is very good!

Partridge Family said...

Oh man, good luck with that one!! He is one tough lil' cookie. Keep us updated with how he heals!

B-Mom said...

Yep, Joleene, we still use Dr. Yu. Love him!

Joleene said...

I have probably asked you that before....I forget things easily sometimes...forgive me : )