Thursday, August 9, 2012


I am struggling because Bodey is struggling.  We've had two days in a row now where he has been on his worst behavior at the Y.  He is hurting his friends, whose parents are my friends.  I fear for Bodey.  I fear that we are never going to be able to dig to the bottom of this behavior, and I fear he won't have any friends. It's extremely frustrating.  I don't think people understand how difficult it is to parent a resistant child.  I feel like I'm being judged by everyone.  I feel like I'm completely failing as a parent.  My only proof that I'm not a completely horrible parent is Booker.  I'm looking forward to school starting so we have a set schedule again.  But I'm also dreading it, because school is a prime location for Bodey to act up.  And then I get to deal with his poor teachers, and their newest, latest and greatest plan for managing my disruptive kid.  I gotta hand it to them though, they are really good!  On a good note, Bodey used to act like this every single day.  Now it just goes in spurts.  Really bad spurts.  But, now I am going back to square one of reading books and praying for help.  Positive pep talks and all forms of discipline aren't really getting the job done.  Hopefully he outgrows this.


Cori said...

You're a good mom! And all moms know that their kids come out fully baked. They are who they are. God gave you Bodey, and maybe he thinks you're best equipped to deal with him during rough times. But don't forget---it's not always rough. Bodey can be a sweetie, too. In the meantime, I won't judge your parenting as long as you don't judge mine! LOL

Partridge Family said...

You are an AWESOME mom. After reading this, I am feeling sooo guilty for recommending those parenting books to you. The only reason I recommended them to you is because I think you are one of the BEST Mom's out there and would actually find joy in reading them. For me, they give the strength when I feel like I am swimming upstream for 18 hours a day.

Hang in there my friend. I'm glad you have a good support system. Parenting is not easy.