Thursday, January 10, 2013

Can I Get an Amen?!?!

Why have I hesitated to let the kids help me around the house?  Besides my control to do it my way and the fact that I could do it 10x faster.  But that is all behind me now.  Now that Bodey begs to help me do laundry, dishes and clean bathrooms.  He scrubs pans, rinses them, dries them, and PUTS THEM AWAY!  And once I have laundry sorted, he loves to carry them to the laundry room, fill the washer, start it and even helps me match socks and fold towels.  This is just a huge blessing.  I hope the fun doesn't wear off too quickly.  Last night when I was tucking him in he asked, "Mom, what do we have to do tomorrow?"  I told him we had to take Booker to the doctor (next post).  His response killed me.  "No, I mean, do we have more laundry or dishes?"  Duh, like every day.  :)  But now I have help!

1 comment:

gramma said...

It makes kids feel like they are contributing when they can help!!!