Monday, March 10, 2014

Lent and Strep

Booker and some other kids at school must have been talking about Lent because he came home with the bold statement that he is giving up his Kindle for Lent.  If you understood his addiction to this certain electronic device, you would be as shocked as I was.  I went on and on about how that was a great choice because you should give up something that is really hard to give up.  Something that you don't even want to say outloud.  Something that makes you want to cry just thinking about it.  The Kindle was the perfect thing!  All is good.  Until.... he asked me what I was going to give up.  I wish I hadn't given him that long speech.  Pop.  There.  I said it.  And it hurts.  I've had at least one pop a day since I can remember... and that dates back to when I was about Booker and Bodey's age.  I guess you could say I have a slight problem.  But I had to give up something that was hard for me, and that was it.  Bodey was forced to give up his Kindle as well.  He has a problem, too.  On Thursday, one day into his intervention, I went to wake him up.  He was already awake, but still in bed.  When I came in he said, "I just want to stay in bed for 39 more days!"  Poor guy.  It's going to be a long 40 days.  For all of us.  But, I also explained the importance of giving something up, or sacrificing.  It helps us turn our focus back to God.  I wanted them to know and remember that, so whenever they think it's hard, they can pray.  Not sure if it's working, but the seed was planted.

Last night Booker suddenly had a sore throat.  We've been there done that with this kid.  I knew immediately that it was strep.  Again.  For the 4th time in 5 months.  We went to the dr. this morning and discussed some options we have.  One is trying to completely kill the bacteria that he may be harboring with a long, strong dose of antibiotics.  The other option is having his tonsils taken out.  I'm not opposed to either.  I'm really tired of the poor guy being sick and missing school.  So is he.  Dusty is all for getting the tonsils out and just being done with it.  I guess time shall tell.

And, like I always say... I will get to posting updates on the house.  I'm so far behind on it, I'm overwhelmed.  But, the most important thing is that we are now at least living in our house, which is one of the best feelings ever.  Gets our lives somewhat back to normal.  If there is such thing.

1 comment:

Partridge Family said...

One pop a day since you were a KID?! Holy smokes, I didn't know that. In my house growing up we only had pop on such rare occasions. Even now, I can't finish a can.

Poor Booker. I didn't realize he got strep so often. Sounds like taking his tonsils out is the way to go.

I'm happy you are finally in your house. I can't wait to see pictures of it! We have been at a dead stand still for at least 6 months. Life is rolling by too fast and we can't keep up. I'm wishing we could just pay someone to finish!