Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

We didn't have any really big plans for Memorial Day weekend this year, but it was really nice. We ended up doing quite a bit.

Dusty and I took the boys fishing. Booker caught 3 fish and Bodey caught 2. And Booker will let everyone know that!
We not only caught fish, but also frogs. Look how little this one was! Booker got to hold it for quite a while.

For Bodey's normally VERY short attention span (about 3 minutes at the longest), he did quite well fishing and lasted about half an hour.

Saturday morning we went out to my parents' house and to Morgen and Sharon's land to ride 4-la-whoolers (as Bodey calls them). Kim and Peyton joined us and had a lot of fun.

Bodester and Nana on the 4-wheeler.

Oh, yes he did. He wore his "towboy" boots with shorts to the Tonganoxie Rodeo! What a redneck!

Two hams getting ready for the rodeo.

The Three Amigos at the T-Bones game!

We don't have very many family pictures. Thanks Kim for taking a couple!

Awesome night for some baseball!

We finished off the weekend by going swimming at Kim's house (but I forgot my camera), mowing Grandpa Mike's lawn, and having some awesome ribs and brisket at Nana and Papa's.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I love Bodey's boots and shorts... seriously, couldn't be any cuter!