Friday, October 7, 2011

Hot and Cold

Thursday was picture day at Bodey's school. Whenever the boys wear a button up shirt, they complain, and wonder why they have to wear their "handsome" shirts. Well, Bodey didn't complain. He was quite proud to be in his "handsome" shirt. Booker kept coming up behind him and slapping him on the bottom and yelling, "You're hot!" Bodey was getting more and more upset about this until he finally broke down crying, "No, I'm not. I'm not hot." Don't know what he thought it meant, but he didn't like it! I had to explain that Booker was simply implying that Bodey looked handsome. Then tonight he came up to Dusty asking him if he was hot. Dusty kept feeling his forehead and saying no. Then Bodey finally said, "No, like handsome, daddy."

The other day we were eating ice cream and Bodey said, "Whoa, mom. This is cold. It's even colder than the 'cold'-de-sac!"

1 comment:

Diana @ frontyardfoodie said...

hahaha, your boys are hilarious and adorable. can't wait til mine can talk more!