Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Little Snuggle Bunny

Some people say that Bodey is more like me. To some he looks a little more like me. But to me, he is my little mini-me. I was a major thumb sucker, and so is he. I was severely addicted to a blanket. Lately, Bodey is often seen with one in tow. Parts of me really don't want him to be dependent on these things. I don't want it to be a struggle to ween him off of them. But on the other hand, he is just so darn cute and snuggly when he has them. To Bodey it's not really about the blanket. It's all in the tag. Anything with a tag. He loves his stuffed animals, simply for the tag. They just calm him. Once he finds the tag on something he immediately falls into a tag coma. I don't know if I should say this, but tonight he came out of Booker's room with a pair of Booker's underwear up at his face, thumb in mouth, tightly gripping the tag. Gross, but cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok-I have to comment on this one. You were the cutest little girl and you always had your blankie and thumb. I can't sese that it hurt you any. And you told me you were not going to get braces, which was a relief to me at the time. So? How are you now?? huh? Perfect-that's how. Mom