Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Morning to "Sleep In"

Dusty and I take turns on the weekends waking up with the kids. One morning is mine to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn with them, and one morning is his. The night before Dusty's morning I ask him what time he wants to wake up, to ensure that we are quiet until then. He doesn't wake up a single time from the time he falls asleep until that specific time he wants to wake up. On my morning to sleep in, I would like to sleep in like a hungover teenager... as late as possible. The only problem is I'm an extremely light sleeper and I hear everything. Well, on my morning I get to sleep until I hear Booker is awake. Then I have to shake Dusty until he wakes up and can go get him. He usually just gets out of bed and goes to get him, forgetting to shut the bedroom door behind him. So, I try to sleep until I am forced to get up and shut the door. Then I usually fall asleep until Bodey wakes up. My deaf husband cannot hear him, so I have to get out of bed once again to let Bodey out of his crib. On my mornings to sleep in, I don't think the children are ever told, "Shhhh, mommy's trying to sleep." So I hear them laugh, talk, cry, scream, fight, kick the walls, knock on my bedroom door, etc. Then, I fade in and out of sleep as Dusty comes in the room a couple of times, tells me to watch my eyes (so he can turn the light on) and he gets dressed. This last part, I'm not really complaining about, but remember I'm a light sleeper and I hear EVERYTHING, Dusty makes breakfast and does a load of dishes. I thank God that he does this, but I can hear him clanking the dishes around, and therefore am not sleeping. This morning at 8:30 I guess it was time for me to get out of bed because Dusty came in, got in bed with a grocery list in hand, and asked me what we needed at Walmart. I think a hungover teenager would be pissed if he had to wake up at 8:30...


Anonymous said...

Hungover teenager?? Are you trying to tell me something??

Cori said...

Ah, I just love Dusty. Johnny would only do all of that if I was ill... And the kids were starving.... And then he'd still wake me to take commemorative photos of the time he did EVERYTHING all by himself.

Cook Family said...

That is great!! don't worry same thing happens at my house ... Josh can sleep through anything... I remember the ONE time he got up with brody in the middle of the night for a feeding I had to shake him to get him up and thenhe fell asleep feeding him - that was the last time!! I think they do it on purpose!!

Partridge Family said...

I know exactly what you mean. Why are men able to sleep so deeply and us women have to hear everything. We have the same kind of routine and the same kind of frustrations. I lay in bed wide awake wishing that I was asleep most of the time. AGHH.