Saturday, January 17, 2009

Parenting in Restaurants II, Sequel to The Ingram's

Tonight we took the kids to Chili's for dinner. Before we were ready to go, I took Booker to the bathroom since he chugged 2 glasses of chocolate milk during dinner. When we got in there, he went pee and then said he had to poop. Ok, I'm not going to argue with my 2-year old on this one. I could hear the lady in the stall next to us, obviously doing the same thing. Booker sat down and said, "Mommy, I poop like you." Hum, yes, I guess so. "Hold on mommy, it's coming out." Ok, ok, is it necessary to narrate? Finally, he was done. He stood up and I told him to bend over so I could wipe him. He bends over, peeks his entire head under the stall next to us, and shouts, "I see you!" (I'm seriously giggling to myself as I write this). It cracked me up, but I couldn't laugh... not then and there! After quietly lecturing him, we hurried out so I didn't have to face that poor lady. Not like she would have dared come out first!


Cori said...

If I had seen Booker's cute little face poking under my stall yelling, "I see you!", I would have cracked up!

Partridge Family said...

I am seriously busting up laughing as I read this! 'I see you'! I can't imagine what the lady was thinking. She was probably laughing as she was listening to Booker narrate his pooping, and then she probably about had a heart attack when he saw his little head under the stall! Thanks for the awesome laugh :)